Feb 28, 2009


In commemoration of Dad's birthday I feel we should kinda roast him. I have been thinking of some Dad type sayings...like... "If all your friends were jumping off a bridge, would you?""I'm gonna cloud up and rain all over you."
Now, as we all know Dad travels a lot. He tells me of these travels when He visits and he likes to use the word "Gal". The Gal on the phone making reservations or the Gal at the checkout or the Gal at the ticket booth or the Gal at the car rental place or the Gal at the restaurant or the Gal at customer service. It seems that Dad never talks to any guys.. Myrna, maybe you should start worrying! What other Dadism's can we think of... OH, HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAD!



Anonymous said...

Yes, Gal he says that all the time, I don't recall him every saying that man, or boy.

Never ask dad for $10.00 bucks cuz you will never hear the end of it.

Ya know, it is really easy to be honest.

I will give you a million dollars after you quit smoking for a year.

Why would you do something like that (chuckle, chuckle, chuckle)

Dad if you read this, it really does come from love and the heart and have learned I cannot use these on Tyler or Michael
Love ya Jodi

Anonymous said...

"Ya know, it cost's .25 cents every time you open that refidgerator"......

As he would place his hand on my head while driving, he would say "stop a head Jean, see the sign, it says stop ahead"......

Oh there are so many more, give me a while, I'll be back with some.

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, remember if he had to stop fast at a stop sign or light he would put his arm in front of you? Jamie, Tyler & Michael do that.

Anonymous said...

I goes more like this... "I talked (ahem) to the Gal"

Anonymous said...

"Can you turn the music down?"

"We'd like a table away from the kitchen."

"What a turkey."


"If it were me.." or "If I were you..."

Love ya lots Dad!

Anonymous said...

"We'll take you out for spaghetti on your b-day Deb"

It's so funny when dad calls and says "Hi Deb, this is your dad"...like I wouldn't recognize his voice

Anonymous said...

another Dadism Ithouht of...On occasion Dad will write a check for us, just cuz he's Dad, anyway, Dad always makes the check out to Kris! What's up with that?

Anonymous said...


"Jean, have I ever told you about (insert name) who died of lung/throat (any other type) of cancer"? This usually goes along with the smoking talk. And yes Dad, you have. Thousands of times. Thanks for loving me that much!!

One that I remember - that Ronnie should:
Dad would hit Ronnies leg or arm if Ronnie was in the front seat when Dad was driving: "Oops sorry, Ron, it's an old Army injury, my arm just does that". And he ONLY did that to Ronnie. :)

Before I got married: Dad would call and leave a message on my machine: "Lil' Jeanie J, this is your Dad"...etc etc... It is now as follows: "Jeanie B, this is your dad". Ya notice the "lil'" part has disappeared.. hmmm.. I guess marriage will do that to ya!!

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah-- Dave, why is he "just writing checks out to you because he's Dad".... ?? Oh yeah, because he's Dad, and he loves us all and SO TAKES CARE OF US!!!

Anonymous said...

I wish my kids had a Dad that cared as much about them!

Anonymous said...

I know you do... :(

Anonymous said...

I remember when Dad used to sing "Jimmy cracked corn" to Jimmy.

How does one "crack" corn? That kept me up at night.

Anonymous said...

I used to go to a lot of garage sales...Dad would ask me if I bought any garages.

Anonymous said...

Dang me, dang me, gotta get a rope and hang me, hang me from the highest tree, etc... Dad you use sing along with his tapes and that was one of them.