Aug 27, 2008

*Funky Chunk

Today I was able to see the latest fashion accessories that go along with drab grey prison suits. The model (prisoner) wore a wide, brown leather belt that buckled in the back and was attached to some silver chunky chains that in turn led to some silver chunky bracelets on the wrists. I also noticed a matching set of chunky chains and chunky ankle bracelets leading from the leather belt down to the ankles...Hey everyone..Chunky IS in and will be for the next 60+ days. After the 60 days are over, that fashion trend will end.
Mom of the 'model'


Anonymous said...

I once to remember wearing those, it was hard to walk. Sure are pretty though huh?


Anonymous said...

Wow, I've tried those bracelets and anklets, when I went in front of the Judge, he requested that the baliff remove them, unfortunately, he left the key in the holding area, I didn't get that cool leather belt, mine was a silverish chain that made all kinds of sounds, I think it made Jodi HOT.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I forgot to mention the sounds the leg chains made...not quite as nice as my windchimes though. Jodi is strange.....

Anonymous said...

Either way, I think she should be wearing them longer than what she has been 'sentenced" to.... just a "BIT" longer you guys... I don't want to offend anybody, and I will be here to support her, but she is still not taking responsibility for anything she has done... and the only way I know that is because I got a 5 page letter from her and it just went in circles. She feels she didn't do anything bad enough to deserve the time she has been sentenced to. Wow, she is lucky because I figured she would be serving about 5 yrs. And that had nothing to do with her running with Mike. Anyway, sorry Deb, I don't want to hurt anybodies feelings. Any by the way, you still need to buy a beer bust ticket from us. C'mon-- I bought a lot of stuff from your kids' school stuff over the years.

Anonymous said...

hhhmmmm. I wonder what that fashon trend would be like. Possibly uncomfortable?!? I will have to ask.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Well Then!

Anonymous said...

Who's the egg provider and what does that mean?

Anonymous said...

okay then, think egg provided, what could that possibly mean? Hhhhmmmm.