Jul 10, 2008

So.....did ya miss me??!!!!!

Well hello family, it's me. It's been a while since I've been on.. I guess I just have this crazy busy life or something. Or this lazy life... maybe a little of both. Anyway, I did respond to the last couple blogs, I think from Joda and Ber. So READ IT! Anyway, first off, Ron and Tia and Joey, it was sooo great to see you. What an awesome little kid he is. Wow. I will never forget how when Kale was sitting by himself at Debbie's (I think he was sad about something) and there's Joey, sitting right next to him with one little arm Kales leg and one around his neck, just trying to comfort him. It was-- well-- a tear jerker. I know I know, it doesn't take much for me.. but still, it was simply great to see that. And those eyes. And the way he rolls them -- and whatever other little looks he give: Ron Jr. All the way. And yet when you look at him he has so much of both Ron and Tia in him. And, its very exciting to know there is another little one on the way. It was a great time you guys. Ron, I'm glad for you that you were able to see Uncle Eddie before you left, I know how you are and I know you would've wished you had, if you hadn't.
Ok, on to the rest of you slugs. Oh, all of a sudden I have nothing to say. Imagine that. Bet you can't can you? Well me either. So Dave and Kris, hope you are adjusting to your first baby moving out.... or is she like alot of other kids that move out.. comes over all the time?? Just kidding Jess, even if you do I bet your Mom and Dad dig that. Hope Zach and Mandy are well too. So Dave.... did ya let Mandy go to the cabin or whatever it was with her friends???
So Brent was in a play/musical the other day in Grantsburg, Cinderella. Yep, thats what I said. And he absolutely loved it. Bruno and his Dad drove up there Tuesday night, I would've but it was Uncle Eddies reviewal that night. Brent was one of the mice. Ok, so he's been in 2 plays now, once as a monkey and now as a mouse. Hhmmm... he hopes to get a speaking part sometime. HEE HEE But (as he puts it) "well at least I got to be monkey number one". How proud he was of that. And seriously you guys, it was the most lame play I have ever seen. But it was fun. For him and for us. I guess the one he was just in was put together way better than the one he was in here in Minnesota!! Imagine that. Starting next Sunday, we will have him for a week at a time, every other week. So... if anybody wants to spend any time with him during the day while we are at work... have at it. Deb. Rich. Jim. The rest of us work during the days -- during the summer. (Jimbo, don't take that wrong because I know that being home with two boys is a full time job). But Brent sure likes your boys.. so if you ever feel like taking on a 3rd one.. give Bruno a call!!! heee heeee
Jode, thanks for driving yesterday during that crazy procession to Fort Snelling! I can't believe somebody didn't die on the way there. But I knew it wouldn't be either one of us cuz you told me (as I am grabbing the OH SHIT handle) that you were not going to crash us. I am soooo glad that Debbie came up with that great idea, cuz wow, I would've freaked. Thanks Deb, it obviously did make more sense for Jodi since she was much closer to home. And oh yeah, thanks for bringing me back to my truck. My nice hot steamy truck. Ok, well if I have forgotten anything - tough shit . Doesn't that sound like MOTHER??!!
Ok guys, I love you all. I need to go make some BLT and C's for supper. Dollar to the first person who can tell me what the C stands for.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

You bitch, you are not getting your dollar. In fact I am going to call you right now and tell you so!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

That is actually very funny. Cocktails. But sorry, Joda got it right and uuummm.. too bad, so sad. For you.

Anonymous said...

cheese starts with a ch....
the letter c makes the K sound or the s sound you DA

dollar to the first one that knows what DA stands for.

Anonymous said...

dumb ass!!
send me my dollar.