Jul 7, 2008

Jamie's new toy

The Hot-dog roller

Jamie was like a kid in the candy store when we got this, we ate hot-dogs for like 5 days in a row and for snacks, I never want to eat a hot-dog again.


Anonymous said...

Speaking of pop-art meeting white trash...

Anonymous said...

No, those is all beef weiners boy!

Anonymous said...

Oh my wow, I am laughing my arse off right now!! Joda,only you. Well, and Jamie. But really, only you. Wow, a flippen hot-dog roller. Wow. Sooo, can I borrow it? Actually, surprisingly, I am at a loss for words right now. I am just glad you made me laugh. And I am not even sure what I think is so funny about it. But it is!!

"gannet". Let's see if annnnnyybody has any idea what that word means to us. (you flippen better still remember!!!)

Anonymous said...

I do but I cannot let the cat out of the bag, the rest will have to guess.

Anonymous said...

I hate the word FLUFF I like TOOT better lol

Anonymous said...

fluff, fluff, fluff,fluff,fluff,fluff

Anonymous said...

How can anything that sounds terrible and smells terrible be called a FLUFF?

Anonymous said...

cuz sometimes they are lofty and airy, kinda like cotton balls