Jun 22, 2008

Ty's address re-done

So I guess the address that the Fort gave me when I called is different
than the one Ty gave me today when he called, It is the same address
just written different, he said that anything will get to him but for now
on to address it this way. Hopefully this will be the last time it changes.
He was in a hurry and I could not hear him very well.

PFC Weston Tyler K.
Echo Company 3-34
Inf. Reg. 2nd Platoon
Fort Jackson SC 29207


Anonymous said...

I think it should read

PFC Weston Tyler K.
E. Co. 3-34 Inf. Reg.
2nd Platoon
Ft. Jackson, SC 29207

Anonymous said...

Yeah I kinda figured that I was doing something wrong, on the website it shows how to address it two different way. So thanks for getting it right for me.
Love Jode