Jun 18, 2008

I wish for boring

Life is far from boring.....but yes very busy. It's easy to figure out who still has young kids at home just by seeing who blogs and how much. Is there a faster way to log in?

Anyway, Deb was over because Ann had to be at the hospital by 7 the other day. She had breast reduction surgery. She has had back/neck muscle problems since her "girls" grew during pregnancies. She went down to a "C cup." She is home and doing well. There is pain but she has meds. I have to do all the driving, lifting, reaching, carrying, washing, serving, etc....I'm trying to think of a surgical procedure for myself just to get a rest this summer....kidding!

Insurance covered her reduction because she really did have health and quality of life issues by being as large as she was....G cup I think.

I'd love to say more, but it is midnight and I can't keep my eyes open - Sorry Dave....busy wins over boring, but I'll try harder.



Anonymous said...

tell Ann we wish her a speedy recovery.

Anonymous said...

Richard, tell ANN hi and that we are thinking about her, surgeries that put you out of commission for that long suck.
If you would like boring you can come to my house,
I am the only one that is ever home, Jamie doesn't get home until like 9:00 or 10:00 pm. and I am so bored that I cannot even think. I wish I was busy again.
love Jodi

Anonymous said...

Yep, she told me I can come see her "girls" in a week or so, I'm so excited!!!!!