Apr 28, 2008

Who's that girl?

I was checking out the old family pic at the photo bucket. who's that girl between Jean and Rich? Oh, nice goggles Rich.

No, I am not going to put my name here, I'm not stoopid.


Anonymous said...

Yes you are "stoopid" if thats how you think its spelled.... and who is calling Ronnie a girl? I wonder if thats the same picture Rich had on way back when... and Jim.

Anonymous said...

This post reeks of Debbie...or Tyler...or Brandi? You're jealous because, especially by today's standards, I still look in style. The solid color turtle neck never goes out of style.

Anonymous said...

Tyler is innocent this time, but he did say something to me about the Turtle Neck, He thought it was nice looking (with a smart-ass grin on his face)
and yeah how many of you boys wore that thing? There had to of been pit stains in it.
I was going to post and ask why Jeanie was wearing curtains.
and I think that Richard looks like he has sunglasses on.
Debbie looks like she farted and is giggling.
Yeah Dave has on sunglasses also, and well Jim nice pants. Ma & pa look likes each other smells and of course me
I am the cutest.

Anonymous said...

I am totally innocent...I haven't made a psot since my drug induced blog with all the really nice pix of jeanie

Anonymous said...

I am innocent. I have been at work, I left home at 3:30 pm.

Anonymous said...

My vote goes to Ron...who else has the technology know-how....maybe some of you do, but you can't admit it now - because you might implicate yourself...

Anonymous said...

Yeah but, why would Ron call himself a girl.
unless he is trying to tell us something

Anonymous said...

Hmmm, I think it was David. Seems he is the only one who hasn't responded to this. And I hope whoever it was realizes that they spelled stupid wrong.

Just so ya know.

Anonymous said...

Come to think of it, when Dave hureled insults (often) as a kid, he did like to call people a woman, wussy, fembot, or any other word of the X chromosome genre.

Yep, he's guilty.

Anonymous said...

I mean hurled.

Anonymous said...

I mean hurled.

Anonymous said...

I'm pretty positive whoever it was spelled stupid wrong on purpose.


Anonymous said...

Um, lets see which one of the siblings haven't commented yet,Not JAMIE... Ann Marie??? Jodi looks a bit angry that your mother would make her wear David's hand me down.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Oh Good Gawd,
Who the hell cut Jodi's hair back then?? I think they forgot the left side of her head. Mom? Dad? Deb? Maybe it was me-- maybe because when she was 9 mos old I dropped her on her head and it was bulging there and I was still trying to hide it. And yes, Debra Ann, I realize whoever posted the word "stoopid" realizes it was wrong.... I would hope they did!!!! Somebody is trying to throw this family off. Is it the grey ghost?

Anonymous said...


Hey brain whatever,stop trying to fancy it up, joda wan knobi thinks your trying to steal her thunder.

Anonymous said...

Joda wan Knobi, you have no thunder. I have always had the thunder and I always will. Yeah, ya wanna bet?? Ok, so you have "beat me up" before... a few times... "bad girl bad girl watcha gonna do --something or other is gonna come for you". That would be me.