When i first had the idea of this blog site I thought it would be neat to be able to blog with my family, who I never see. When I was setting it up I wrote "we are seven strong". I unintentionally left out several people. So Mom & Don, Dad & Myrna, Kris, Jamie, Sandy, Anne Marie, Tia, Bruce, Brandi and any other spouse (O.K. putting in "other spouse" was silly, I mean that would mean someone is secretly married or somethin) or offspring of the Johnston family I do apologize. I am being serious. I hope that none of you felt excluded. I was just so excited at the prospect of setting up and doing a blog I wasn't thinking everything through.
I am looking forward to reading what you all have to say. Please do write.
I felt as though I was almost intruding because I thought this was you and your silbings.
I've never felt anything but welcome by you and your family, if I have ever stepped on anyones boundries I apologize, but being Lou's adopted step son, I feel I have every right to tell you all how messed up ya really are. In fact I think she'd be proud of me for doing so. (this includes the wack job I married).
Love you all, yes even Bruno,
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