Apr 18, 2008

*Goldfish Suicide

Sad news....Brandi's goldfish committed suicide during the night. I got up at 5 AM to find him on the lazy susan...rigor had set in big time. Maybe he just wanted to take a ride on the susan but didn't plan ahead of time how to get back in his bowl. Funeral services pending......


Anonymous said...

This makes me sad. He was swimming in a circle last night at the top of the bowl. Maybe he wanted to get into the other bowl. Have you heard of that before, a goldfish jumoing out of water? Funeral service will be tomorrow at noon. If you would like to be there, come to my mom's! :-D

Anonymous said...

fish and lazy susans don't mix well?

Anonymous said...

Deb, the susan was to be tested on humans not fish.
KC Kitty