Apr 16, 2008

Brandi and Patrick

I wanted the family to see the most recent picture of Pat and I that I acutally liked! For Uncle Dave, you have yet to meet Pat. I can infor you on him some other time. As fas as I am aware, everyone in the family likes him... am I right??

On Saturday, April 12th Pat and I went to my friend's wedding and that is why he is wearing a tie!! :-D


Anonymous said...


definition of dysfunction said...

Who is that boy and why is he touching you?

Uncle Terminator

Anonymous said...


That boy touching me is my boyfriend Pat. We have been together just over a year. He is 21and works at UPS in Maple Grove. Pat also goes to Anoka-Ramsey with me, which is where I met him. You have yet to meet him, and I sure hope you will be able to!!